Our school actually has off this whole week of Thanksgiving, which is SO nice! On Friday before I left school, I made sure to prep some projects for the week we get back. I am going to teach Christmas and Hanukkah the first week so I can get some cute projects hung around the classroom and on our bulletin boards. Some of the things I prepped were..
A super easy and cute reindeer. You just need to cut tan paper in half (long ways) and the rest the kids do on their own with scrap paper. I do not give them any patterns for this one! |
A menorah. Another easy one to prep :) |
This one I let the kids choose which one they want to make. I give them a single hole puncher to punch the holes then they put tissue paper on the back. These are great to hang up on windows if your classroom is lucky enough to have them! (I unfortunately am not) |
I also prepped a bunch of CUTE projects that I found on pinterest..
Kids write about what they would do if Santa was stuck in their chimney... (great vocab word for my students because I am sure some of them have never seen a chimney living in south Florida!) |
And a super cute project where you Read The Best Christmas Present of All and kids write about what they think the best gift of all is (cannot be store bought). |
I am also hoping to do this to my classroom door on Monday...another thing I found on pinterest :)
Simple but cute!
So much to do :) But so much fun!!
I hope everyone is enjoying their break!!